Flat Fee Marketing Costs Limit the Unknowns of the Future

Some marketers may think that Flat Fee Internet Marketing Services are unnecessarily restrictive. Yet there is a logical sense in providing certain pre-organized packages for customers to review. Below are three main reasons why flat fee services are taking over in the SEO industry.

Simplify the Service

The first major reasoning is that too much can be too overwhelming. If clients are given extensive information up front, this could unsettle them. This is because search engine optimization is an extensive project and it takes a lot of effort. SEO Packages refine the information so it is more accessible and easy to sit through. This may be a marketing approach through and through, but is one that makes sense in the bigger picture.

A Concrete Price

The other major reasoning is that customers do not want to have the cost change at a later date. They appreciate and respect the consistency that comes with a certain package and certain price. They, for the most part, understand exactly what they’re getting when the package is outlined in detail to them. Cherry picking certain tasks and goals and trying to fit that into a framework over time is simply unproductive. The smartest packages outline everything that goes into that campaign to the smallest detail. It also reaffirms the price so there is no change at a later time that could set a certain precedent.


Time Manage

The last major aspect has a lot to do with time. Clients do not have the time to have to micromanage every effort within the Flat Fee Tasks. It is simply too much work. They are not experts in the field for the most part, so all the technical details are cumbersome. Just imagine a client having to sift through search engine indexes, Google analytic reports, crawl pages, meta-descriptions, etc. Professionals are hired to do the task and they can handle it. Ultimately, they present this information in a format such as the Flat Fee Internet Marketing Services approach that provides additional clarity and consistency across the board.

Some are adverse to the strategy. They want to charge for results to help make the clients feel like they’re getting an exact dollar exchange for every click or buy. But this strategy is too detail oriented and micromanaged to work in this new environment where a competitor can come up out of nowhere and a bad string of SEO could have lasting ramifications.

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